The Role of Anonymity in the Weaponization of Social Media through Twitter: Some Global and European Instances


  • Dr. Sarah Syed Kazmi Director, Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC), and Head of the English Department at Fatimiyah Higher Education System, Karachi.



Anonymity, Free speech, Hate speech, Social media, EU policy


Digital social media platforms have been instrumental in influencing the global ecosystem of popular interaction. The article will delve into the role of anonymity as a stimulus abetting aggressive behaviour particularly on Twitter. Trolling and other detrimental societal patterns result from a striking disconnect between actors posing anonymity and those they address. The anonymous indulgence in pejorative comments, derogatory dialogues, and multifarious patterns of hate speech precipitates into a weapon in the hands of terrorists and mala fide actors functioning on Twitter. Whether AI sentiment analysis can act as a viable check to regulate inappropriate behaviour will be addressed in the light of theories on human freedom as this might furnish third-party filters, oversight surveillance by moderators averse to proponents of online freedom. Also, increased levels of monitoring, enforcement of protective regulations may constrict the content and may appear as a breach of free speech. The role of European Union in addressing challenges posed by the proliferation of social media platforms will be dilated upon to check the efficacy of these regulating practices.


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How to Cite

Dr. Sarah Syed Kazmi. “The Role of Anonymity in the Weaponization of Social Media through Twitter: Some Global and European Instances”. Journal of European Studies (JES) 41, no. 1 (January 6, 2025): 73. Accessed January 24, 2025.