Appropriation of the Subliminal and Alchemical Elements of Waiting in Rumi: A Metaphysical Perspective


  • Dr. Sarah Syed Kazmi


Hermeneutics, anaphoric, recurrent, interpretation, juxtaposition


Rumi’s works have been characterized by a profound philosophical thrust. Widely translated, Rumi happens to be the most sought after poet in the English language. Coleman Barks, R. A. Nicholson, A.J. Arberry and Annemarie Schimmel have contributed to the enduring presence of Rumi in the English literary canon through their meticulous translations. Nevit O. Ergin and Will Johnson’s translation, The Rubais of Rumi stands out by treating Rumi’s evocative metrical composition, Rubai; a four-line stanza with literary dexterity. The prolific works of Rumi; whether the 23-volume magnum opus titled ‘Divan-i-Kabir, the 1700 Rubais, or the Mathnawi which has been referred to as a divine scripture in Persian language have opened new vistas of critical inquiry into the field of hermeneutics. The succinct, anaphoric and at times epigrammatic style belies the unfathomable depth that lies within the verses. Hence the vast diametrical stretches of his works embrace existential matters at one level; and the esoteric ones as spiritual dynamism and jurisprudence at another level.


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Author Biography

Dr. Sarah Syed Kazmi

Incharge, English and International Relations Program, DHA Suffa University, Karachi.




How to Cite

Dr. Sarah Syed Kazmi. “Appropriation of the Subliminal and Alchemical Elements of Waiting in Rumi: A Metaphysical Perspective”. Journal of European Studies (JES) 37, no. 2 (July 1, 2021): 51–63. Accessed February 17, 2025.