Climate Change Management in Pakistan


The primary objective of the course will be to present the participants with a complete picture of potential opportunities and challenges under any mandatory policy of greenhouse gas reduction, different options for meeting of GHG reduction, including energy supply options (carbon capture and sequestration from coal or natural gas, wind solar, bio fuels) efficiency improvements (ATT) Alternative Transportation Technologies, and adaptation to climate change. Current state of climate policy, EU climate policies and international negotiations. Students will be engage in active learning through the use of computer modelling tools, field surveys and activities to illustrate the key ideas in each module and will use these models to analyze alternative technology and policy options.



  • Introduction/Definition and understanding
  • Climate change a looming threat
  • National Disasters plus Unprecedented Weather Patterns
  • Response to Climate Change issues
  • Managing future prospects



Dr. Uzma Shujaat is Professor at the Area Study Center for Europe, University of Karachi. She is engaged in research, teaching and supervision almost for 29 Years. She teaches European Political Geography, EU’s Economic Policies and Research Communication Skills to M.Phil / Ph.D students. She has specialization on Climate Change Management.


COURSE DURATION:       Six (6) Weeks

Course Fee:                          Rs. 10,000/- (for professionals)

                                          Rs. 6,000/- (for students)


Admission Form can be obtained from the office of the Area Study Centre for Europe, University of Karachi during office hours: 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. 

Contact: Ms. Sehar Azhar and Mr. Sohail Ahmad Khan

Phone:  021 99261652